Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (2024)

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Cloud Bread is an easy to make, fluffy and gluten free bread substitute! Naturally low-carb, this cloud bread recipe is a simple alternative to bread and my kids love it too!

Serve this as a sandwich with my favorite Chicken Salad Recipe!

Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (1)

Table of Contents

  • What Is Cloud Bread?
  • Cloud Bread is Perfect for Sandwiches!
  • What 3 Ingredients Do You Need?
  • How to Make Cloud Bread
  • Can You Season It?
  • Serving Ideas:
  • Get the Recipe

What Is Cloud Bread?

Ok, I know this cloud bread recipe sounds a little strange… Carb Free? Gluten Free? What is the world coming to? But stay with me here for a quick sec. I won’t steer you wrong, I swear it.

I would imagine a lot of us have “gone off carbs” a time or two in our lives. And sometimes when you’re on the low-carb wagon you just want a damn sandwich. I know it’s not just me.

But let me also just say that while Cloud Bread recipe is PERFECT for those watching their carbs, it’s also actually GOOD! The texture is bread-ish. I won’t sit here and tell you that it’s bread, but it’s the closest darn thing I have ever had to bread without actually BEING bread. AND it doesn’t have weird aftertaste like a lot of low-carb food seems to. The reason for that is it’s made with completely normal ingredients that you probably have in your kitchen right now.

Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (2)

Cloud Bread is Perfect for Sandwiches!

The main ingredients in this bread recipe are eggs and cream cheese, but you will also need Cream of Tartar, salt, and (if you want) a little sweetener.

When they’re baked up they are SO pretty…They aren’t thick buns, but they can be sliced in half and used on a sandwich!

Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (3)

My son LOVED tuna salad on the cloud bread. It’s VERY soft, so if you want something with a little more durability you could easily toast it!

What 3 Ingredients Do You Need?

  • eggs
  • cream of tartar
  • cream cheese

How to Make Cloud Bread

Just whip the egg whites with the Cream of Tartar (to stabilize the whites).

The problem some people have had when making this recipe is that they don’t mix the egg whites long enough, causing the mixture to be too runny. Just make sure that the egg whites form stiff peaks before moving on to the next step.

Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (4)

Also make sure you mix the yolks, cream cheese a pinch of salt and sugar (if you are using it) together until they are smooth. Then fold the whites into the cream cheese mixture CAREFULLY until it’s combined.

Can You Season It?

Add any seasoning into the cream cheese mixture to season it up. Seasoning it is key to getting a delicious bread. You can use:

  • garlic powder
  • dried herbs
  • sweetener

Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (5)

Scoop out the mixture onto a lined baking sheet, and when they are baked they will come out like this…

Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (6)

If you can’t wait and eat one warm they are a little “eggy”. But if you wait until they’ve cooled completely they will be more bread-like.

Serving Ideas:

  • I really like it cut in half and toasted served with tuna or chicken salad!
  • Toast it and spread a little peanut butter on it!
  • Use it for avocado toast!
  • Make an egg sandwich for a high protein breakfast!

ps – this cloud bread recipe is by no means low-calorie or “diet” food. It’s just a fun alternative to traditional bread for those who are trying to avoid it!


Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (7)

Cloud Bread Recipe

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 4.3 from 6 reviews

  • Author: Cookies & Cups
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Yield: 6 buns 1x
  • Category: Bread
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: Dinner




Cloud Bread is an easy to make, fluffy and gluten free bread substitute! Naturally low-carb, this cloud bread recipe is a simple alternative to bread and my kids love it too!



  • 3 large eggs, separated
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cream of Tartar
  • 2 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
  • optional – 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • optional: 1 tablespoon granulated sugar (or any natural sweetener like honey, agave syrup etc) OR 1 packet artificial sweetener such as Splenda


  1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Line a light colored baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. In the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment beat the egg whites and Cream of Tartar together on high speed until stiff peaks form.
  3. In a large bowl combine the egg yolks, cream cheese, and salt and/or sugar (if using) until completely smooth. You can do this step with a spoon or a mixer.
  4. Gently fold in the egg whites into the cream cheese mixture. Do this step carefully to not deflate egg whites. The fluffier the batter the fluffier the bread will turn out.
  5. Scoop the batter onto the prepared pan, forming 6 “buns”, about 4 inches in diameter.
  6. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the bread is golden brown and set.
  7. Allow to cool before serving.


store airtight refrigerated for up to 5 days

Add in 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, or any seasoning you prefer to give this cloud bread flavor!


  • Serving Size: 1 bun
  • Calories: 69
  • Sugar: 0.4 g
  • Sodium: 162.2 mg
  • Fat: 5.6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0.8 g
  • Protein: 3.7 g
  • Cholesterol: 102.6 mg

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Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (8)
Fluffy Cloud Bread Recipe - Easy 3 Ingredient Keto Bread! (2024)


What is keto cloud bread made of? ›

It's made using just a few simple ingredients—eggs, cream cheese, and cream of tartar—but when mixed up in just the right way and baked in a low heat oven, you get pillowy, bread-like rounds that are gluten-free and keto-friendly.

Why is my cloud bread not fluffy? ›

First, you might be over beating your egg whites, which prevents your cloud bread from having that fluffy texture. You'll know if you've overdone it if your egg whites look wet or grainy, she says. Spend With Pennies recommends beating the egg whites on high speed with a mixer just until they form stiff peaks.

What is Oopsie bread made of? ›

  1. 3 eggs.
  2. 12 cup cream cheese.
  3. 1 pinch salt.
  4. 12 tablespoon psyllium husks (optional)
  5. 12 teaspoon baking powder (optional)

What kind of flour is keto bread made from? ›

(That said, if you're not eating gluten, try our recipe for Easy Keto-Friendly Bread, which is made with almond flour and coconut flour.)

Is keto bread really zero carbs? ›

The keto diet promotes no grains, starches, sugars or preservatives, and Aldi's L'Oven bread has three out of the four of those features. Technically, it does have zero net carbs, though, and most keto diets aim for limiting carbs to 20 to 50 grams per day.

What's the best keto bread? ›

Basic Low-Carb Bread
  1. Sourdough from Great Low Carb Bread Co. ...
  2. L'Oven Fresh Zero Net Carb Bread (0g Net Carb) ...
  3. Franz Keto White Bread (1g Net Carb) ...
  4. Kiss my Keto's Keto Bread (0g Net Carbs) ...
  5. Julian Bakery Keto Thin Bread (0g Net Carbs) ...
  6. Unbun Unbread (2g Net Carbs) ...
  7. Lewis Bakeshop Healthy Life Keto Bread (0g Net Carbs)
Nov 8, 2023

Is cloud bread good for you? ›

Cloud bread is a great option for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease because it's gluten-free. According to The Healthy, people who are following a keto or low-carb diet might love cloud bread because there are very few carbs (if you don't add sugar).

Is keto bread really healthy? ›

Keto bread may be low in calories and total and net carbs, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's healthy. While store-bought keto bread can certainly be part of a healthy and well-balanced diet, it needs to be more than just low-carb to be considered healthy (via Healthline).

What is keto culture bread made of? ›

Find our bread sold nationwide in the freezer section.

Water, Eggs, Almond Butter, Golden Flaxseed Meal, Arrowroot Flour, Psyllium Husk Powder, Almond Flour, Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Salt, Baking Soda.

What sweetener is in keto bread? ›

Sweetener – This keto bread recipe is not sweet, but I add sweetener to balance out the salt and makes it taste neutral. I use and recommend my Besti sweetener, because it has a clean taste (no aftertaste) and won't crystallize when you store the bread.


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.