Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

FIRST AND BEST- AS USUAL IN SOCIETY REUNION CALENDAR AUGUST 14 Boller-Home of Alfred Boxell. -Converse: Fairgrounds. Weller Weller, Mt. Etna. Dawson Reunion: -Matter Park.

Jennings Reunion--Monument City, Friermood- Chas. Piker Grove. Church. Lightle-Sheron- Union Chapel: Ballinger- -White Dove Park. -Matter Park.

Hosier- Callaway Hardy- White Dove Park. Boco*ck-Matter Park. Park. Teague--Matter Park: Sheridan Reunion Amboy "School. Maggart Reunion Matter Park, Rich-Osborn Mr.

and Mrs. Troy Eaton. Stallings-Pearson- White Dove Park. Smut Leach-Fowlerton Park. Park.

Marine-Fairmount. Marshell- N. W. Pinkerton. AUGUST 17 Park.

AUGUST 21 Draper- Converse Fairgrounds. -Matter Park. -McMillan-Mr. and- Mrs. Chas.

Palmer. Farington Knote Matter Park. Leverton Memorial a 4 Huntington. Bailey Memorial Park. AL Shaw Wabash: City Park, Wabash, Ind.

John Wildermuth FamilyMatter Park. Cook, Small and MarshallMilton Hodson: Grove, Near Maple Run. Pierce-Slusher-Matter Park. Stevens-Elra Candy Homestead. Pinkerton-Buzzard Thomas Grove Near Mt.

AUGUST 23 Jubilee Old Folks' Day--Matter Park. Shields--Matter Park. AUGUST 24 Johnson- Hubbard Mr. and Airs. George Harreld.

AUGUST 25 Cates Family- -Matter Park. AUGUST 27. Fansler School Home Coming. Kendalls of Grant, Miami and Howard Counties- -Bennett's Switch Park. Mill.

AUGUST. 28 Reunion McCullough Park, Muncie. Hullinger Taylor Converse 4 Fair grounds. Palmer Lee Heekin Park, P'ark, Muncie. John Russel- Matter Park.

Coats Goodrich Park, Winchester. Boswell- Wabash City Park. King Matter Park. Rup. e3 City Park.

Duling-Fowlerton. SEPTEMBER'4 Dickey-Miller-Matter Park. Nelson- Matter Park. THURSDAY Monday Conversation ClubMrs. 0.

S. Jones. Luncheon-Bridge MeshingoCountry-Club. Morris Chapel Y. P.

Bragg. Rosary Circle No. 8-Mrs. C. Tinkle.

South Marion W. C. T. TE Mrs. Maude Beals.

Colonial Club Mrs. Robert Young. W. B. Hall in Wigger Block.

Tri Kappa Sorority---Mrs. D. A. Earnhart. G.

G. Club-Mrs. Charles Merkert. Luther League A Lutheran: Church. Amigas.

Club Mrs. Enslen. Aaron Worth W. C. T.

Mrs. Madeline Todd. FRIDAY "June 'Time" Play Martin Boots School. G. A.

R. and W. R. C. PicnicMatter Park.

B. A. Picnic--Matter Park. Mrs. May Jackson Class--Mr.

and Mrs. Claire Thornton. Pythian -Sisters--K. of P. Hall.

Twells Miss Frances Twells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Twells of Chicago, formerly of Marion, and Robert E.

Evans of Stevens Point, were married at Bond Chapel, University. of Chicago, at 8:30 p.m, Saturday, August 6.: ceremony was preceded by by a half-hour organ recital: followed by by a 'song, Perfect Love," by George 1. Laing, accompanied by Mac Evans, University of Chicago organist. ceremony was by the Rev. Kenrick Roberts of the Presby- neglected, result seriously.

Treat' them immediately with healing Resinol CHICHESTER BRA PILLS EAGLES an known an Best, A SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE MARION DAILY CHRONICLE AUGUST 10, 1927. Fashions Annabel a Worthington: 3018 SIMPLE AND SMART. Charming -style for the woman with a stout figure, who insists on looking slender. The collar that extends to lower edge of skirt, gives a splendid long line. The square neckline is; particularly flattering.

Design No. 3018 combines two shades. of blue silk crepe, the pattern for which can be had in. 'sizes 38, 40, 42, 44. 46 and 48 inches bust measure.

The 44-inch size requires yards of material with yards of 18-inch contrasting. To order any pattern illustrated, send 15 cents to Fashion Department. -Be sure to state number land size and write our Summer Fashion on Magazine. It your name plainly. Get copy of shows" the frocks the smartly dressed women of New York wear.

How they will dress: their, hair. Millinery, shoes, beauty hints. It is that will help you look your during vacation days. For your copy, send 10 cents today to Fashion Department. 1.

terian church, Racine, Wis. The bride was attired in a white satin gown with semi tulle veil, shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. The matron of honof was Mrs. Margaret Hutchison Crane of Grand Rapids, who wore orchid chiffon with a bouquet of mixed summer flowers. The bridesmaids were Miss Isabelle Reed of of LaGrange, Ill.

Reed wore Logansport and Misti Louise Howe green chiffon and Miss Howe yellow. The flower girl and ring bearer were Elizabeth Barbara Augustine and Marian Lee Augustine, nieces of the groom, who wore shell pink chiffon and white chiffon respectively. The best. man was Leland Augustine, Racine, and 4 the ushers Edward B. Twells, brother of the bride, and Reuben Swanson of Chicago.

A reception immediately followed the wedding ceremony in Swift hall, which is connected by a cloiter with Bond chapel. The bride is a graduate of the University of Chicago and a member of the Chi Rho Sigma club, and during the school year just past taught art in the public schools. of Oak Park, Ill. The groom, Robert E. Evans, is a graduate of the University of Chicago, and Is now connected with the Hardware Mutual Casualty company of Stevens Point, as asgistant treasurer, and head -of the "accounting department.

Following an extended motor trip through northern Wisconsin, Mr. Evana and his bride will be at home at Stevens Point. The bride was born in Marion and lived here. until in the second year of high school, when she moved with her parents to Logansport, and later. to Chicago.

Country Club Dinner' There were a number of guests from out of, town at. the dinner dance last evening at the Country club which included Mr. and Mrs. S. H.

Smith of Tulsa, Miss tia Phillips of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lindsay Sarasota, Stanley Young of Denver, Colo. Mrs. Sarah Hunt was chairman of the committee in charge.

The othguests were Miss Charline Mortow, Miss Nadeine Shively, Morris Blumenthal, Miss Martha Lester, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan, Dr. and Mra. A.

B. Caine, Mr. and Mrs. George Coon, Bill Ferree, Miss Louise Kiley, Stanley Young, Miss Moneel Lindley, Judge and Mrs. W.

B. Gemmill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hayes and guests, Mr.

and Mra. H. W. Hooper, Mr. and Mra.

Georgo Kleder Mrs. John P. Koeppen, Koeppen Sara a Louise Sturgis, Janet and Virginia Koeppen, Edwin. Leigh, Norris Leigh, Mr. and Mrs.

Lora Lillard, Mra, Joseph HulDr, and Mra, 0, Dale and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sarh Smith of Tulsa, Mr. Field 8wesey, Miss Mary Hayes, Dr. Amick, Virginia French, Henry Glasser, Mr.

and Mra, C. E. Van Vactor, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swanger, Mr.

and Mrs. L. Eriewine and guest and daughter Miss Susan Erlewine, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beshore, Lenox Beshore and "guest, Mr.

and Mrs. Blaine Long, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Middleton, Mr. and Mrs.

Arnold Senefield, Mr. and Harry Sellers," Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Thomas: and guests, Mr. and Mrs.

Dick Lindsay of Sarasota, Mrs. Sarah Hunt, J. R. Beaver, Mrs. Alice: Siddons, Miss Alice and Emily Goldth waite, Frank Goldthwaite, L.

R. Lindley and guest, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beshore and guest. Sosum Club Miss Irene Mittank entertained the members of the Sosum Bridge club at her home on West Second street Monday evening.

Those present. Mrs. Betty Wolf, 1 Mary Frances -Headington, Bonnie Legg, Mrs. Hearst Heiser, Mrs. Ralph Leech, Miss Milrred Siders, Mrs.

Bernice Leapley, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Miss Frances Wolf, Miss Helen Wolf, and Miss Irene Mittank. A Hallam Pearl Hallam of 3512 South Boots street announces' the marriage of her daughter Esther Irene of Santa Barbara, to Floyd Ator, of Angeles. Cal. The wedding took.

place August 30. in Venice, Cal. Mrs. Ator has been. an employe of the Bell Telephone Co.

in Santa Barbara for, the past year and Mr. Ator is manager of a radio company in Santa Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Atos left immediately after the ceremony for a visit in Hollywood, after which they will be at home in Los M.

H. Bridge Club, Miss Mabel Arnold was hostess last evening to the M. H. Bridge club at her home on East Thirtyeighth In some clever contests, Miss Violet Wirick won first prize; Mrs. Charles Cunningham, second; Mrs.

Walter Mains won the consolation prize. The hostess served luncheon to the following members: Mrs. W. H. Riley, Mrs.

Chas. Michaels, Mrs. Ernest Powers, Mrs. Walter. Mains, Mrs.

Ione Ober, Mrs. Earl Biggerstaff, Mrs. K. C. Wirick, Miss Blanche Riley and Miss Violet Wirick.

Mrs. Charles Cunningham and Mrs. Morris Moore were substitutes. The next meeting of club. will be in two weeks at the home of Mrs.

H. Riley. CLUB NOTES The Rupley reunion' will be held Sunday, August 28, at Wabash City Park. The twentieth annual reunion of 'the Duling family will be held Sunday, August 28, in Fowlerton park, Fowlerton. The officers of this reunion are L.

B. Duling, president; Earl Duling, vice-president; D. Chap Duling, secretary -treasurer, Jonesboro, 1 R. 1. 'The Luther League will meet at the Lutheran- church, Fourteenth and Gallatin streets, on Thursday at 7:45.

The topic for the evening is "World Peace." All members are. expected to be present, The Smuck reunion will be held at Matter Park on Sunday, August 14. The Amigas. club will be entertained afternoon at the home of Mrs. Claude Enslen, All members are asked to be present.

The Rennaker reunion will held August at Conners Mill. The Leach reunion will be held at Fowlerton, August 14. The Marine reunion' will be held Sunday, August 14, at the William Keever home, Fairmount. The Pinkerton-Buzzard reunion will be held at the Thomas Pinkerton grove south of Mt. Etna, Sunday, August 21.

4 John Beedy is secretary-treasurer, Warren, R. R. 1, and Andrew Buzzard is president, R. R. 8.

The Aaron Worth W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.

Madeline Todd Thursday, August 11, at 2:00. Mrs. Harriett Rigsbee and Mrs. Lola Clark will have charge of the Home Economics demonstration, A memorial service will be held for Mrs. Culla' J.

Vayhinger. The devotionals will. be in charge of Mrs. Hazel Voorhis. There will be apecial music and readings.

The annual reunion of the Marshall family will be held at the N. W. Pinkerton home, six miles north of Van Buren, on Sunday, August 14. All are urged to attend and bring well filled baskets. The Bridge and Chatter club will meet Friday, evening with Mra.

Frank Stevens, Personals Mrs. Eldora Williams of Shell Rock, Iowa, has -arrived -In Marion to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Levi M. Cole of West Third street, has been seriousy ill for the last ten days. Another daughter, Mra, Eugene Williams, of Long; Beach, is expected to arrive Friday of this week.

Miss Ruth of North Washington street has returned to her home from Bloomington where she has been taking a summer course at Indiana University, She was accompanied by Miss Bessie Long of Frankfort at whose home she visited for few days before her return to Marion, Mrs, Hoff E. Donaldson: of. Minneapolia, visiting her mother Mrs. Mary Weitzal of West Fourth street, Mine Lillian, Smith and Miss Merle Wright left today for Atlantie New Kork and Washing-. ton, C.

Mr, and Mrs. 0. M. Bright family, Mrs. Georgia Bowen and Mrs.

G. H. Bright of Fairmount attended the Riggs family reunion at Pendleton last Sunday. Mr. Brock who has beep spending his -vacation with 'his parents.



where he has been employed by the Standard Oil Co. for the past year. Miss Virginia Cameron left today for a visit with Mrs. Vern. Bell of Madison, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gartland left today for Macinac Island.

Mr. A. J. Sims of Lafayette has returned to his home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.

E. B. Smith. Mr. and: Mrs.

C. H. Clewis of Tampa, who have been visiting with the parents of Mrs. Clewis, Mr. and Mrs.

Thad Butler, have gone Lake Owen, where they will remain over the week end. They were accompanied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Butler.

The party will return to Marion Monday. Mrs. Earl Virtue of South Nebraska street is spending two weeks at Sisters Lake, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T.

M. Bell. URBANA URBANA Mr. Mrs. Albert family left Saturday for Baker and Ludington, al where with they relatives.

will spend sever-; days Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra. Pretorious were Miss Ella Dickerson of Wabash, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Fudge dad daughter 'Martha Alice and Miss Virginia- Osburn. of Winchester. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ziner and Mrs.

Elizabeth Ziner were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Miller of Marion. Mr.

and Mrs. Philip Keffaber and sons Harold and Raymond spent Sunday a Lukens Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Burton and son James spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John Burton at Wabash. Mrs. Homer Bishop and Byron of Akron, 0., and Miss Frances Dudley of Cleveland, 0., are spending the week at the home of. Mr.

and Mrs. John Bishop. Mrs. Garl Hale and daughter Mona of Fort Wayne, were Sunday dinner guests- at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Haupert. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Schneider, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Bilile and Mr. and Mrs. Fred King held a picnic dinner at Lukens Lake Sunday. Mrs. Opal Ott and daughter Eve: lyn' of Remington are spending the week at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Capes. 4 Mr. Mrs. Samuel C.

Speicher were host: and hostess at dinner Sundays. Levi guests Meshberger included and fam- Mr. ily of Berne, P. R. Speicher of Wabash, Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Pauling of Huntington, Mr. and Mrs.

Amos Speicher and, family of South Wit. Hey and Mar. and Mrs. Otto Speicher and family Af. Urbana.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Beeks and son Warren, Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence Lefforge: and family, Mrs. J. B. Speicher and daughters Martha and Esther, spent 'Sunday, at Winona Lake. Mr.

and Mrs. Myrval Kratzer and Mr. and Mrs. Boynton Baker spent Sunday afternoon at North Webster. Mr.

and Mrs. H. M. Beghtel and son Mark and Mrs. Sara Smith 'of North Manchester spent Sunday at Thrift In The Kitchen ORE can go out.

through the AH back through door than can come in the front" says an old adage. 4 The" modern wornan expresses it differently. She tells: her more thrifty neighbor, "You could take a trip to Europe on the scrapings of my pans." Waste in the kitchen has most insidious way of eating into the income. Because the individual' 'amounts are small, they are considered unimportant, or not considered at all; but they grow in number. as the habit of wasting grows, and all together total big annual bill of "Take the matter liquids drained from canned vegetables.

How often are they poured down the sink! Yet they contain protein, mineral and all the soluble vitamins. If they are thrown away, the most valuable part of the contents is lost. They add favor nutriment when used in soups, souffles, scallops, sauces, grayles, stuffings. When preparing recipe requiring only the solid contents of can of vegetables, pour the liquid into glass far and put ip the ice-box, to be used in the luncheon or dinner menu the following day, when meals should be planned with a view to using it. Suppose that liquid from scanned spinach, stringless beans, and corn has bien saved.

Measure one and half cups of the liquid from these vegetables and pour boiling hot onto two tablespoons of gelatine that has. been soaked in one-fourth cup of cold vegetable liquid Pour haft the quantity Into individual molds and let set partially. Add chopped celery, LOCAL YOUTHS. INJURED WHEN CAR OVERTURNS Their car overturning when tire exploded, four young men, all realdents of Marion were injured last night in an accident which happened about 9:30 on the Jonesboro road near the McDonald Soap farm. Bell, Nile Speece, Charles Kilgore, and.

Foster Haley were "all injured when their Ford. Coope overturned. Kilgore was probably the most seriously injured. X-ray examinations were made today at the Grant county hospital where he was taken following the accident. Bell suffered a broken collar bone and cus about the face.

Speece sustained a deep cut on the face Haley also suffered cuts and bruises. The machine in which the youths riding was damaged to a great extent." The Shawley ambulance the injured parties to the Grant county hospital first, and let er to their homes after they had received medical attention. Lake: Wawasee with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Griffith and family of Terre Haute.

Mr. and Mrs. James Kendal of Roann spent Sunday afternoon. the home of Mrs. Amanda.

Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith: of North Manchester were Sunday afternoon visitors at the H. M.

Beghtel home. and Mrs. Ziner, George Frushour and Miss Hazel Yenteg spent Sunday evening at Huntington. Mr. and Mrs.

Rupert Monce were Wabash business visitors, Saturday. ASK ABOUT the special price discount on telephones classified ads. SOME READERS are aready answering ads 'in today's "classified ad section. Phone 123 about yours. John Milford, Funeral Director, and -Adv.

MOTHERS THEIR CHILDREN ADJUSTING THE BICYCLE One Mother Says: I have made it a point to see that my. boy's bicycle saddle. is adjusted that he need "not bend over but may sit nearly upright. He often takes long rides now without being nearly as tired ras he was when he sat in a humped position. Some: boys cultivate crooked standing posture by riding bicycles which are poorly adjusted to their size, so I have aimed to guard against the danger.

typical round in the booklet, which you In stamps from the Marion Dally Chronicle's Mothers' Real Estate Transfer by Otto Allen, Abstractoi 611. Marion: National Bank Oliver. D. Clawson, etux; to bert Cook. Pt.

Sec, 42- 100 acres. Q. C. D. Consideration $2,600.

Margaret M. Closson to Eva Minch. Lot No. 1, Block 12, Orig Plat to Matthews, W. D.

Consid eration, $300. HELP, SPEED -up business Use "Help Wanted" ads tor replace inefficient employes. COMPLETE CLASSIFIED ads give complete satisfaction: to read ers and advertisers. Corrects Oily Skin Using CHEX soap daily will' quickly clear up an oily skin. You will amazed at your improved complexion in just a few weeks.

Buy CHEX of your drug or de partment store. Then follow the mple directions. CHEX is a super -medicated soap of highest quality; delightfully frag rant, pure and mild; makes profuse creamy lather in bard or soft water. CHEX Soap cleans- and clears up roughness, chapping, large pores and, excess of oil, on face or: scalp. It is the one best soap for oily skin, "ous perspiration Endorsed by 1800 oily scalp, over size pores and odorphysicians.

CHEX on our posttive guarantee. of satisfaction. Remember does MORE than soap." Adv. Sadie Cherryholmes to Iva Shen Lot No 12, Hillside add to Marion W. D.


Divide in twos parts, rollout, and bake in layer cake tins. Split and spread with butter, and put -between the layers and on top the canned fruit broken -in small pieces. Sprinkle with sugar and add, whipped cream, Fruit Salad Dressing- -Heat one cup of from any fruit. Mix three tablespoons sugar, three tablespoons flour, one- fourth teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon mustard, and oneeighth teaspoon paprika. Add the hot syrup, stirring constantly, and bring to the boiling point.

Add ane-fourth cup mild vinegar, and allow to boil slowly three minutes. Chill and serve on any fruit salad in place of. mayonnaise or other cooked salad dressing. Fruit Gelatine Dessert- Substitute the quantity of fruit Juice for the water required in any recipe for making gelatine. desserts either from the plain gelatine or with the flavored gelatine powders.

Ar lemon gelatine powder combines well with juice from canned peaches, pears, pineapple, plume, prunes: red jelly powder with juices from the red a fruits. When partly set, add fruits, then the remainder of the gelatine mixture. 3 Mince Meat for Pies When taking mince meat from the can dilute with fruit, juice instead of with water. Mince meat is put both with meat and without, and because there is no longer- need of that long process ofmaking it at home, it can be' on the menu at any time of year. It is not exclusively Thank civing or: Christmas delicacy as fo former days MAGNIFICENT NEW HOTEL 400 ROOMS WITH BATH 13 and in FORONE PERSON NO FOR THO PERSONS HOTEL KNICKERBOCKER I NEW YORK WEST.45 STREET Just Eastof Broadway limes Square.

HEART OF THEATRICAL AND SHOPPING DISTRICT AL you can profit from reading the CLASSIFIED ADS GIRLS OF SCHOOL AGE KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH They Find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a Dependable Medicine peas, pimiento, or. sliced olives, then add the remaining gelatine. This has only to be placed on lettuce leaves, the next day, with some mayonnaise, and the salad is ready for luncheon. Such a salad, using the above quantities, may be made with any combination of liquids from vegetables, and different other foods a may be used in the jelly chopped veal, fish, peppers, or what not.

Personal taste must be the guide in this. The water in which onions have been boiled may be" combined advantageously with the liquids from any of the canned vegetables; for making vegetable or meat soups or jellies. Gravy is greatly enriched in flavor by being made with vegetable liquids. In fact, whenever water is required in a mixed vegetable recipe use the liquids from vegetables instead, and the result will be greater body, flavor, and food value. a Similarly, the Juices of fruits are almost as vaiuable in nutritive elements as the fruit itself.

When the fruit alone is to be used in a recipe, the juice should be poured into container and put.on ice. Should one want to serve a fruit punch at dinner or a cool drink during game of bridge in the evening, the foundation for it is ready, expediting the making of it considerably. The following recipes give few of the varled uses for fruit juices. Fruit 'Short co*ke-Mix two. cupe flour with four teaspoons baking powder.

one-half teaspoon salt and two teaspoons sugar. Work in one-quartcup butter and add gradually three-quartaca cue juice drained from Lydia D. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it did her a wonderful lot of good. a She had been out of school for four months. I read the advertisem*nts of the Vegetable Compound, and since she bar taken: it: back sho has improved and bas gone to school again.

I recommend the Vegetable Compound to other mothers. with girls who are: not a strong as they should be." Mi ALICE LOUTHAN, Route Charles ton, Illinots. daughter was out of school two terms. I have known about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all my life and finally decided that she should try it.

Three bottles helped her in various ways for the next couple of W. E. GILLETTE, 986 D. 52nd Place, Los Angeles, Calif. "I have always been sickly, and until I was fourteen my father wan very strict about my perfect attends ance at grammar school.

I -bare cone to school through hard storms and often taken cold. When I wan fourteen I took to my bed and did not get up. for eighteen months Everyone thought I could not live. Just four months ago I began ing your wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I could notice a chance almost at once.

Now I feel like a new person. "I wish all girls would E. Pinkham's: wonderful medicine. 0.07 M. Sum Union Village, Vermont, LOUISE LOUTHAN ROUTE 2, CHARLESTON.

ILLINOIS Vi From the days of the polonaise to the days of the radio, mothers have given this dependable medicine to their daughtera. School girls often careless. They 'get wet feet. They overstudy or they tire themselves with too many dances and parties. Thoy get run down.

Many an active girl of today, the demure maiden of the 1870'a, has found that Lydia Es Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is belptns her to find better bealth and energy. "I gave thy old ASK YOUR GROCERYMAN FOR POLAR BEAR FLOUR.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.